The reports say what the good things are about the school or nursery, and also if there are things they could do better.

As well as the report, every school and nursery is given a rating:
- Outstanding (or 1)
- Good (or 2)
- Requires improvement (or 3)
- Inadequate (or 4)
We’re very proud of our Ofsted ratings, so we’ve picked out some of the great things the reports said about us.
You can also download the whole reports if you want to read them in full:
Bright Stars is outstanding
Children are confident, self assured and thrive as their needs are met incredibly well.
Enthusiastic and dynamic staff have high expectations for children’s achievements and this contributes towards the superb progress that all children are making.
Staff provide a stimulating and purposeful learning environment, both indoors and outdoors that is tailored superbly for each child. Children play with joyfulness and confidence and are eager to explore, investigate and try new things.
Children’s special contributions and achievements are celebrated at the nursery and at home.
Staff establish superb partnership working with parents and other professionals, which means they can offer personalised support to meet each child’s needs and interests extremely well.
Stainsby is good
All children make good progress. Staff are well qualified and have a secure understanding of how children learn and develop. They plan activities that engage and motivate children to learn.
Parents are very positive about the care their children receive. They are given regular updates about their children’s learning and development. Staff provide comprehensive support for parents to continue their children’s learning at home.
Children form strong bonds with staff. They are positive role models and help children to listen and be kind to each other. Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure.
Children thoroughly enjoy exploring the stimulating indoor and outdoor play areas and the wide range of good quality play resources. They make independent choices and follow their own interests in their play and learning.