Stainsby Nursery has four separate rooms. We hope you’ll enjoy having a look around! Remember, if there’s anything you want to know and you can’t find the answer here, you can get in touch with us using the form on the contact page.

Baby Room (0 to 2 years)

We have a separate Baby Room which offers care to children from 6 weeks to 2 years old.

The room has a wide range of activities including messy play, a reading den, and music and dance.

We offer activities to develop both fine and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills include things like like picking up and playing with toys, turning pages in a book, using building blocks and crayons. Gross motor skills are things like rolling over, sitting, crawling, walking, and climbing.

The Baby Room also has its own enclosed outdoor area with lots of fun activities to support the learning needed for the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage).

There’s a lovely, calming sleep room where babies can nap if they need to.

Our messy/creative area is shared between the Baby Room and the Toddler Room to assist our children in their transition from one room to another.

Toddler Room (2 to 3 years)

We offer a variety of fun and stimulating activities. This means we encourage our children to be inquisitive, and help to develop their understanding of the world around them.

We encourage freeflow play. Freeflow play lets children choose their own activities, giving them more confidence and independence. It also supports the transition from Baby Room to the Toddler Room.

We also offer the BLAST programme, which helps to support your child’s communication and social skills.

Preschool Room (3 to 5 years)

The Preschool Room offers lots of varied activities which support learning within the 7 areas of the EYFS, while also still being fun!

Children in the Preschool Room are given lots of opportunities to be creative and explore.

Our Preschool Room staff aim to support children to be ready for the exciting next step in their lives – going to ‘big school’.

In Preschool we offer the BLAST Programme to support children with communication and social interaction skills.

We support children to become independent in preparation for school.

Outdoor area

We have a fabulous secure outdoor area with a variety of different areas which encourage our children to explore and play, while also developing their skills in all 7 areas of EYFS.

Our outdoor playing areas include:

  • Mud kitchen
  • Music area
  • Literacy den
  • Bug hotel
  • Car role play
  • Construction area
  • Mark making area